카메라 세트(렌즈 포함)

Home 제품소개 카메라 카메라 세트(렌즈 포함) ALPA 12 FPS +로덴스톡 40mm 세트

페이지 정보

작성자케이피유어스 댓글 0건 조회 3,286회 작성일 19-04-03 15:12


ALPA 12 FPS +로덴스톡 40mm 세트


The ALPA 12 FPS is probably the most astounding mirrorless medium-format camera for digital backs. It offers an integrated and electronically controlled focal plane shutter, runs with extremely low vibrations and has a fastest exposure time of 1/4000 sec. It is also possible to use mechanical and electronic leaf shutters – installed in the lens – for particularly short flash synchronization speed. This opens up a whole range of lenses, from the brand new to the tried and tested, of different manufacture and design, to be used with the ALPA 12 FPS which thus allows the direct use of the respective properties and specific characters of the individual optics. A constantly growing selection of ALPA precision adapters with and without adjustment mechanisms allows the use of the FPS in the most varied photographic areas. A single camera can now be used at the highest possible level for taking situations from macro to landscape, from repro to architecture or from photo reportage to studio work.

Further exceptional properties and features of the ALPA 12 FPS, which may even be unique on their own or in combination include: electronic aperture control, remote control, wide range exposure bracketing, multiple exposures, simple user interface, flexible programmability, continuous expansion of functions through uploadable firmware and much, much more. Only a short time ago, photographers could only dream of a camera with these options – this dream has now become reality with the ALPA 12 FPS.


  • 12 FPS BODY
  • 디지털백 전용 아답타 (XF 카메라용 기준)
    (디지털백 마운트 종류에 따라 아답타 가격이 다소 차이가 있습니다.)
  • 로덴스톡 40mm SB (FPS전용)
  • 렌즈 아답타 (SB 17mm용)

** 연결 케이블, 배터리, 파인더 등의 악세서리 별매


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