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Home 제품소개 카메라 카메라 세트(렌즈 포함) ALPA 12 STC + 로덴스톡 32mm 세트

페이지 정보

작성자케이피유어스 댓글 0건 조회 3,398회 작성일 19-04-10 15:24


ALPA 12 STC + 로덴스톡 32mm 세트


The ALPA 12 STC (Shift Travel Compact) sets the standard for very compact and light cameras with an integrated shift (perspective correction). The STC thus also offers a stitching function and a corresponding multiplication of the number of pixels for one shot. A lateral lens shift is turned into a rise or fall option by a simple rotation of the camera by 90°. All ALPA cameras provide such surprising rotational and reversal positions which e.g. turn front to back, top to bottom or horizontal to vertical. Typically for ALPA, we do not even have to list all the variants – most ALPA customers like to work out their own special combinations for their particular practical purpose. They – and we – have no time for “one size fits all”. Once again: There could hardly be a bigger difference from mass-produced solutions. From a design aspect, the STC, like all ALPA cameras with an integrated shift, offers one feature that no other camera manufacturer does: all shift movements take place over the full length of movement on roller bearings – not the cheapest solution, but certainly the most precise.

Product remarks: ALPA 12 STC, Shift Travel Compact, with shift, for handheld and tripod use, movements integrated: horizontal shift or – depending on the camera position – vertical shift up to 36 mm (+/- 18 mm); with corresponding adapters tilt or swing movements of up to 5° are possible with lenses in the correct tube; with SB 34 lenses tilts or swings of even up to 10° feasible; price without hand grip

제품 구성

  • 12 STC BODY
  • 휴대폰용 파인더 SDH Mk II (광각 컨버터 포함) - (알파 파인더로 교환가능)
  • 디지털백 전용 아답타 (XF 카메라용 기준)
    (디지털백 마운트 종류에 따라 아답타 가격이 다소 차이가 있습니다.)
  • 핸드그립 - 블랙 소프트 터치 (교환가능)
  • 렌즈 - 로덴스톡(Alpagon) 32m LB


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